sexta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2012

Os 15 países com maior gasto militar em 2010

O SIPRI divulgou os gastos militares dos 15 países que mais gastaram em 2012, Os países são classificados de acordo com os gastos militares a taxas de mercado de câmbio

The 15 countries with the highest military expenditure in 2010

Spending figures are in US$, at current prices and exchange rates. Countries are ranked according to military spending at Market Exchange Rates (MER). Figures for military spending at Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) exchange rates are also given for information.

                                      Spending     Change,             Share of GDP,                      World Spending
 Rank Country      MER ($b.)   2001-2010 (%)  (%, est.)a            share (%)       PPP ($b.)b

  1      USA             698          81.3                     4.8                 43                  698

2      China          [119]         189                   [2.1]                    [7.3]           [210]

3      UK              59.6          21.9                     2.7                     3.7             57.6

4      France         59.3            3.3                     2.3                     3.6             49.8

5      Russia        [58.7]        82.4                   [4.0]                    [3.6]           [88.2]

Sub-total top 5      995                                                            61

6      Japan          54.5          –1.7                     1.0                     3.3             43.6

7      Saudi Arabiac 45.2      63.0                   10.4                     2.8             64.6

8      Germany   [45.2]         -2.7                    [1.3]                    [2.8]          [40.0]

9      India           41.3          54.3                     2.7                     2.5             116     

10      Italy           [37.0]        –5.8                    [1.8]                    [2.3]          [32.2]

Sub-total top 10        1 219                                                     75

11      Brazil          33.5             30                     1.6                     2.1             36.2

12      South Korea 27.6         45.2                     2.8                     1.7             40.8

13      Australia     24.0          48.9                     2.0                     1.5             17.3

14      Canada      [22.8]        51.8                    [1.5]                    [1.4]           [19.4]

15      Turkey       [17.5]       -12.2                    [2.4]                    [1.1]           [23.9]

Sub-total top 15        1 344                                                     82

World                       1 630   50.3                     2.6               100

[ ] = estimated figure; GDP = gross domestic product.

a The figures for national military expenditure as a share of GDP are for 2010, and are based on estimates for 2010 GDP from the IMF World Economic Outlook, October 2010.

b The figures for military expenditure at PPP exchange rates are estimates based on the ratio of PPP to MER-based GDP projections for 2010 from the IMF World Economic Outlook, October 2010. Thus, military expenditure figures at MER rates have been multiplied by the same ratio to obtain the PPP estimates.

c The figures for Saudi Arabia include expenditure for public order and safety and might be slight overestimates.


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